Tips to win a challenge

The purpose of this post is to create a place for everyone to list any tips (includes crazy ideas) to help the others winning a challenges.

Livestock Related:
1. Breeding: 2 point for each successful selective breeding.
- Keep a pair of highest quality animal and then repeat buying animal, selective breeding and culling process.
2. Cleaning: hay used.
- At the day of cleaning, breed or buy animals to reach full barn.
3. Culling: quantity of meat, bone, rennet, skin or fur collected
- Repeat buying animal (especially cows) and culling process.
4. Egg Collecting: quantity of eggs collected.
- Build 2 chicken coops with maximum size. Buy or breed to have 44 hens; feeding them at least hay. By this way, you will collect at least 220 eggs per turn.
5. Feeding: feed given x quality point of feed.
- Increase the number of your cows, and feed them with optimum feed.
6. Harness Power: quantity of harness power collected.
- Increase the numbers of your horses, and their productivity.
7. Milk Collecting: quantity of milk collected.
- Increase the numbers of your cows, and their productivity.
8. Wool Collecting: quantity of wool collected.
- Start raising sheep in winter, so that you can join wool collecting challenges by the next winter.
9. Livestock Care: Combination of 1 to 8, except 3.
- Increase the number of your cows, and feed them with optimum feed.
10. Butcher: culling + making meat products.
- Making meat products.

1. Grass Cutting: Hay collected
- Save your grass and cut them when challenge starts.
2. Fishing/Gathering/Woodsman: weight of fishes/ number of gather goods collected
- Buy tools, eat high endurance food.
- At some turns, exhausting your employees then firing them and hiring new employee.

Crop Related:
1. Crops Care: Harvest + Water + Till+ seed
- Grow only cereal because you can score more points by harvesting cereal instead of nut/fruit.
2. Cereal/ Fruit or Nut/ Fruits shrubs harvesting : the yield.
3. Tilling and Seeding: 27.5 per each tilling action.
- Repeat tilling, seeding, bulldozing process.