My name is Victor, but that was already taken in game. Lacking in creativity, my ign is therefore VictorII. I'm a 25 year old law student from Norway.
I'm only on my 80th turn so far and this is my farm:

I'm baking sourdough bread at the moment (shocking, right?) with my 2x25 bakers (Ousman Jovanny & S Vanny), but I just barely have enough transactions - even before upgrading to lvl3 professional equipment. I haven't upgraded yet cause the electricity cost alone makes it less profitable, not to speak of the problem of getting enough wheat flour at any given time. It's only worth upgrading your bakery with professional equipment once your average profit per use is above $7.
Anyway, transactions seem to be more of an issue than endurance at this point, which is why I'm putting in a brewery and a barn once I get some free space - that should keep me occupied.
In the medium-term the plan is to put in a winery, an oil-mill and eventually an organic workshop, which by then should be useful with the cows. And I might need another silo before winter comes around (and finish upgrading the one I have).
I'm currently growing stuff for missions, but I only need small amounts, so if you're looking for some Sunflower, Radishes or Pumpkins, let me know - if not I'll probably dump them on the market. It'll be a while before they're done anyway.